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Sunday, March 16


How to make facebook fan page

--------------------------------- FACEBOOK becomes a great name . Is there any conscious man who never hear about facebook ? Facebook is a g...


FACEBOOK becomes a great name . Is there any conscious man who never hear about facebook ? Facebook is a great social bookmarking site to share our ideas and experience.

We can make friends through facebook. We can make network . We can make a community page or fan page to support our members under us or we can also make a group page.

We can advertise our product , company or any other thing on facebook spending money or even free. If we make a fan page there we can make more friend or user there and we can get more traffic for our sites there.

1. Go to facebook and sign in to your account
2. Go to here
3. Click create page
4. Fill in the field with information
5. Click the “Suggest to friend” to make more user on the page


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